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Two ingredients make the magic...

We craft all our single-origin chocolate using only two ingredients of the highest quality: organic cacao and artisanal sugar. This allows us to highlight the unique nuances of each Peruvian cacao bean we source directly from local farmers.


A bold and citric single-origin chocolate from Piura with berry notes and hints of vanilla, clove, and nuts.

Ingredients: organic cacao from Piura and artisanal cane sugar.

Awards: Silver medal at Concurso de Chocolate Peruano organized by the International Chocolate Awards. 


Intense single-origin chocolate from Cusco made with Chuncho cacao. With citric notes like grapefruit, honey, and hints of herbs.

Ingredients: organic cacao from Cusco and artisanal cane sugar.

Awards: Bronze medal at Concurso de Chocolate Peruano organized by the International Chocolate Awards.


Well-balanced single-origin chocolate from Amazonas, with citrus notes like mandarin, raisins, and hints of cinnamon.

Ingredients: organic cacao from Amazonas and artisanal cane sugar.

Awards: Bronze medal at Concurso de Chocolate Peruano organized by the International Chocolate Awards, Bronze medal at the Academy of Chocolate Awards, and Diploma Gourmet at the Concourse AVPA Paris.

Piura 99% Stevia

Piura 99% with Stevia

An intense single-origin chocolate with notes of berries, honey and hints of vanilla, cloves, and walnuts.

Ingredients: organic cacao from Piura and Stevia.

Awards: Silver medal at Concurso de Chocolate Peruano organized by the International Chocolate Awards. 

Cusco 100%

Cusco 100%

A chocolate without any additives made with only chuncho cacao from Cusco. We taste notes of citrus and spices.

Ingredient: organic cacao from Cusco.

Amazonas 80% Azúcar de coco

Amazonas 80% with Coconut Sugar

A chocolate made with native cacao from Amazonas with hints of honey, raisins, and cinnamon.

Ingredients: organic cacao from Amazonas and coconut sugar.

Awards: Bronze medal at Concurso de Chocolate Peruano organized by the International Chocolate Awards.